Combination Indicators
The Motrona range of Combination Indicators are multi-function indicators that has the unique function of simultaneously recording speed and position. The MX350 for example can be used to measure and display the speed and optionally the number of pieces or the length at the same time. It is used in a wide variety of applications such as:
- Continuous material for example extruder applications
- Conveyor belts
- Cutting and winding applications
The IX350 offers the simultaneous measurement and display of speeds and the position values. It is ideal for applications such as:
- Locks
- Working platforms
- Crane systems
touchMATRIX® Combination Indicator for Speed and Length MX350:
Short description on MX350: The MX350 multifunction indicator uses HTL signals. It is capable of measuring and displaying two variables such as speed and length simultaneously.
touchMATRIX® Combi Indicator Speed / Length MX355:
Short description on DX355: The MX355 Combination Indicator includes a incremental HTL / RS422 encoder input (inverted) and an input frequency up to 1 MHz together with a switchable encoder supply of 5/24 VDC. All other functions are the same as the MX350 Combination Indicator.
touchMATRIX® Combination Indicator for Absolute Position and Speed IX350:
Short description on IX350: The IX350 Combination position indicator can simultaneously measure processes for absolute position and speeds. Both the values can be displayed in parallel on the display. The parameters are freely selectable.
touchMATRIX® Combination Indicator for Absolute Position and Speed IX355:
Short description on IX355: The IX355 Combnation Indicator is a high-end version with wire break monitoring of the SSI data line (except SSI clock). It includes a switchable encoder supply of 5 / 24 VDC. It can only be used as SSI master. All other features are the same as the IX350 Combination Indicator.
Visit Motrona Safety, Motion, Control and Interface for more information